Despite the easing of sanctions on Iran on 16 January 1 under the Joint Comprehensive Programme of Action (JCPOA), some prohibitions and licensing requirements continue to apply to EU businesses. These are summarised below, together with an outline of the work of the ‘Procurement Channel’ established to consider certain proposed transfers.
This does not address the remaining restrictions on non-U.S. persons imposed by the U.S. authorities, which EU businesses must continue to take into account.
What remains prohibited?
What requires a licence subject to UN authorisation via the Procurement Channel?
What is the Procurement Channel?
The JCPOA stipulates requires that the sale, supply, transfer or export of the items listed above, or the receipt of Iranian funds as described above, require prior authorisation by the UN Security Council. This is to ensure as far as possible that they will not be diverted for any nuclear weapons programme in Iran.
Exporters of such items will submit licence applications to their national licensing authorities in the same way as for other dual use goods. The national authorities will consider each application to ensure that it meets the requirements of the JCPOA and the Nuclear Suppliers Group guidelines, and that Iran has granted rights to verify effectively the end-use of the supplied item.
National authorities will then seek authorisation through the Procurement Working Group which in turn will make recommendations to the UN Security Council on each application. The Procurement Working Group is administered by the European External Action Service and has seven participating states: China, France, Germany, Iran, Russia, UK and US. It has 20 days to consider each application and to reach the consensus required for approval. Each participating government is likely to review each referral as if it was an application for a national export licence before informing the Working Group of its views.
Once a decision is reached, the national licensing authority will be informed. It will then issue (or refuse) the appropriate licence and inform the UN and the International Atomic Energy Agency when the export goes ahead.
What requires a licence subject to national authorisation?
Proceeding with caution
As made clear in our previous briefing notes, both U.S. and non-U.S. companies should continue to exercise caution with respect to any dealings involving Iran and ensure that any Iran-related activities are conducted in a manner fully consistent with all sanctions measures now in place.
Dechert’s International Trade team, based primarily in London and Washington D.C., stands ready to advise on all aspects of sanctions risk and compliance in this changing legal environment. Further updates will continue to follow as developments occur.
1) The changes to UN, US, EU and other sanctions on Implementation Day were reported in our legal update issued on 16 January.
2) All items in the EU Common Military List.
3) Listed in Annex III of Council Regulation 267/2012. This contains the full list of controlled items established by the Missile Technology Control Regime.
4) Listed in Annex III of Council Regulation 264/2012.
5) The Nuclear Suppliers Group list of controlled items is reproduced in full in Annex I of Council Regulation 267/2012.
6) Listed in Annex II of Council Regulation 267/2012.
7) Listed in Annex VIIA of Council Regulation 267/2012.
8) Listed in Annex VIIB of Council Regulation 267/2012.
9) Listed in Annex IV of Council Regulation 264/2012. The licensing requirement also applies to any other, unlisted item if there are reasonable grounds to determine that an item would be used for such monitoring or interception by Iran’s government, public bodies, corporations and agencies or any person or entity acting on their behalf or at their direction.
10) Listed in Annex I of Council Regulation 428/2009.
11) In the UK, exports of marine vessels and aircraft to Iran are controlled under the Export Order 2008, Schedule 3, under control entries PL9008 and PL9009. There is also a UK control on tropospheric scatter communication equipment and technology under PL9005.